The Heartless Hypocrites

Lady Gaga: "Your husband is 1 of the most notorious bullies we have ever witnessed."
Lady Gaga isn’t putting on a poker face when it comes to her distaste for Donald Trump which I posted my reply:
Arlen Kali "Hypocrisy"?...what about the "notorious" pro-killing babies hilarious candidate that Lay Gaga is campaigning?! Is she and her (Gaga) not hypocrites too?
Like · Reply · 57 · 11 hrs · Edited
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Ricardo Montiel
Ricardo Montiel I haven't ready anything in the news about Hilary killing babies. That's a crime, no?
Like · Reply · 22 · 12 hrs · Edited
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Check your vision, clearly, you're a newsworthy blind....and are we talking here about a crime?
Kayla Rae Schultz
Kayla Rae Schultz Hillary herself is not killing babies...
Like · Reply · 10 · 12 hrs
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Who said so...i wrote pro-killing babies, a notorious one.
MaggieJayne Kollars
MaggieJayne Kollars Only the left would see someone being bullied because they want to stop a bully as a good thing
Theresa Thomas
Theresa Thomas Pro choice does not equal pro baby killing. It means she supports a woman's right to chose what happens to her own body. As do most rationale people.
Like · Reply · 31 · 12 hrs
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Millions babies are killed yearly and pro-choice is not about killing babies, and you call it a doing of rationale people?!!...this commentary post indeed is about "hypocrisy".
Amanda Zebrun
Amanda Zebrun Like many pro-lifers I think Arlen pictures abortion to be a mother giving birth and then murdering her newborn, which is so far from 100% of actual abortions. In many cases an abortion is performed because of birth defects the fetus has, pregnancy issues that will end up being fatal to the fetus anyway, or many other medical reasons. Arlen is just another brain-washed "christian" who likely cares more about fetuses being "murdered" than the quality of life they'll have after birth.
Like · Reply · 12 · 11 hrs · Edited
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Wow :-D're so hilarious. Do you ever spend time listening to yourself before being presumptive on others? Apparently, you can't even comprehend what you believe..."in many cases abortion is performed because of birth defects" you said; how many of those millions aborted have birth defects?
Kym Thornton-Norris
Kym Thornton-Norris Would you like to educate yourself Amanda, your comments are a little ignorant....
And here's Killeries extreme pro abortion agenda...
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
Emily Nelson
Emily Nelson Abortion is not killing babies, if that what you are on about...
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs
Emily Nelson
Emily Nelson Kym Thornton-Norris you are providing links to anti-choice websites... Not exactly proof of anything. Abortions are often medically and socially necessary, and almost always occur in the first trimester when the fetus is not able to perceive anything, let alone be "alive" in order to be killed. In fact, abortions happen later when access to the is limited, as well as when access to family planning and birth control (I.e 98% of the services that planned parenthood provides), are limited. So obviously YOU are ignorant. And you try to find bias sources to confirm your ignorant notions. I know people like you hate social progress, but serious... I glad the majority that hold your beliefs will be dying off in the next 20 years. 😂
Like · Reply · 8 · 10 hrs
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Your ally, Amanda Zebrun describes abortion as "fetuses being murdered", I wondered how can anyone murdered anyone that is not human.
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali ...and unless you are already dead, Emily Nelson, you will also die together with your deathly cause. "Nothing last forever."
Emily Nelson
Emily Nelson Arlen Kali that makes no sense...
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Amanda Zebrun
Amanda Zebrun Arlen is just trying to argue to argue because they have nothing else interesting going on in their life, so they must fill their pathetic life with the purpose of angering strangers on the internet.
Luis Bojorquez
Luis Bojorquez If you don't have a pussy you have no say in what women can do with it. That simple 💁🏻
Like · Reply · 2 · 8 hrs
Erica Dunham
Erica Dunham That is a personal opinion of yours, not a "crime". It's called right to chose. Pence believes in "conversion therapy", that has resulted in many suicides. You gonna call Pence a murderer?
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Who is arguing who Amanda Zebrun? You are the one who is arguing my opinion. Your kind of life and nonsense belief doesn't interest me, it is a dead philosophy. You can post it anywhere in the net, and i won't be commenting because it is empty and has nothing new to offer. And as you claim you know that there is nothing interesting going on in my life, I also know how empty inside you are.
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Apparently, you have no pussy Luis Bojorquez, so why say anything about it and mention it here? This about hypocrisy remember?
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali My personal opinion, and so is yours, Erica Dunham. Who cares about what Pence believes? Apparently, you did; call Pence anything you want...a saint if you like, it won't bother me.
Michael Barrett
Michael Barrett Blame the Rise of Trump on the Failure of TV News

The most outrageous feature of this year’s historic race for the presidency is the fact that a man so utterly unqualified in character, temperament, judgment and knowledge to lead the nation was able t
...See More
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali "As this election season has demonstrated, the health and strength of our democracy depend upon a responsible news media." well said, i do so agree.
Illosia Mouneen Rhine
Illosia Mouneen Rhine this crazy guy is talking about abortions huh? you don't keep rights of gull grown babies and humans but shout about fetuses? seriously? first make sure actual living breathing people gets their rights.
Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Illosia Mouneen Rhine, you are once was a fetus yourself; and you wouldn't be breathing right now, with your bias against fetuses, your rights to kill them, and still call yourself human, if your mother had aborted you.
Krysty Morton
Krysty Morton She isnt pro killing babies. She is pro the mother not dying
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali "kill a child to save a dying mother", a pathetic justification to murder the unborn. Women like her (Clinton) are heartless hypocrites.
Jacqui Plemons Arlen Kali Your mother clearly did not abort you, but she apparently did sign you up for a lobotomy! 😖🤐
Arlen Kali
Arlen Kali Most probably she did, making me exceptionally insane crazy and creative in creating havoc to foolish demons that take me seriously :-)

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