The Evils of RH Bill

It is counter productive and unhealthy yet it was foolishly named Reproductive Health Bill.

it is based on an ignorant idea that life does not begin at conception.

Copied, patterned, and indorsed by U.S. government; yet the pro RH's are saying that it is a different Bill, that it will not leat to abortion.

Because over population is a taboo philosophy; because the Bill was indorsed by the US; and because The Philippines is not even over populated; the pro RH legislature could not admit that RH Bill is about population control.

Just imagine the thought of a U.S. endorsed bill dealing with population control.

It is unnatural and artificial; therefore, it has a damaging side effects.

It attacks christian doctrine and other religious faith.

It promotes hedonism (pleasure without responsibility).

It is based on the false notion that God is not in control.

Its idea is to lose control and be like animals.

The Bill will lead to legalizing abortion.

It is a bill that every Filipino taxpayer must pay to support the uncontrolled sex desires and organs of other Filipinos.

why do capitalist countries like The united states spent so much money just to promote a bill that supports Third World Countries' hedonistic mentality..

Was RH-Bill dictated and lobbied by Multinational Companies (producers of condoms and other contraceptives)? 

What is the reason behind the unholy alliance of the government and the leftist on RH Bill? Was it the lobby money and the pressure from the U.S.?

Anti Poor
The philosophy behind RH-Bill, "The world resources is decreasing and the poor people's population are fast increasing and that increase should be minimized". Ironically, big portion of world's resources are consumed by rich countries.

In The Philippines, the government's idea of solving the problem of poverty is to lessen the population of the poor sector; seems unaware of the fact that the rich are the ones who are consuming more. 

In the guise of anti-poverty and welfare of the poor; but pushed through by the rich who think that the poor sectors are so foolish and have no control.

The international scholars stressed that "Corruption, lack of education, and lack of opportunity cause poverty. The poor are victims of poverty, not the cause of poverty... HB 96 seeks to establish a government-managed program of population management and demographic targets in the Philippines. This policy is based on incorrect economics assumptions."

Weird and Grossly Foolish
Vasectomy (castration, condoms (sealing man's sex organ inside a little plastic bag), ligation (putting a barrier in woman's sex organ)  are absurd, primitive, and grossly foolish; yet. its users are claiming that they are modern. 

Their biases cloud their minds, and with no issue against the real issue they had diverted to all kinds of petty issues, like bringing out the issue of immorality of some Catholic priest, and their latest issue of Senator Sotto's plagiarism.

RH Bill is a very divisive national issue that separates the wise from fools, the pretenders from real, the faithful from the faithless, the sinner from the saint. Both sides are thinking that they are doing the right thing. Obviously, I am one of those who oppose the bill; whether I am wrong or I am right, only time will tell.

World's number one advocate

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